Today is Memorial Day. We had Mom over for brunch today: a fritata, potatoes, spicy shrimp and grits, pasta salad, watermelon, juice and coffee. Mom did ok for most of the meal, but then had to get up and vomit again. She swore she didn't lose her whole meal. I tried to stay in the bathroom with her for awhile, but finally had to leave after a few minutes.
She needed a lot of help today...getting in and out of the car, walking to the house, getting up the stairs. After brunch and getting sick, she sat in the big chair in the living room and rested for awhile. When she felt better, we all left to take her for a drive through West Seattle. She is looking for an apartment on this end of town. It would make my life a little easier, but she is totally out of touch on the cost of things like apartments.
We ended our time together by taking her to Rite Aid to get a few things. Pamela helped me get her upstairs. I unpacked her groceries and put eyedrops in her right eye. She says that her head is draining liquid into her nose. She has some sinus trouble going on, most likely allergies to blooming plants and tree pollen. She is still taking the Gabapentin for her shingles.
After we left, I was totally exhausted. Mom is so needy and negative. She has always been negative, but now her sadness and unhappiness with her life are very hard to be around for very long. It is always harder to bear when Pamela is around because I know that she is being a good sport by helping me. I also know that she can't wait for the visit to end. I don't blame her, it is hard for me to deal with Mom's negativity too.