Tuesday, October 30, 2007

Thursday, October 30, 2007

Today was a pretty good day with Mom. She wanted me to take Dad's dresser. I told her I would drop it off at Goodwill but that I could not take it home. She seemed distressed by that because Dad assembled the dresser. I held firm with her and she eventually let it go. Afterwards, we did our usual round of shopping. She ran her motorized cart into me in the meat department...not meaning to...she just was after a particular kind of meat and didn't see me standing there. One of the butchers did hit me in the kneecap when he was swinging a meat tray around. I was glad to leave the meat section! Mom picked out her groceries and then we went to pick up something else she needed at the drugstore. After that we went through the drive-thru at Jack in the Box and got fish sandwiches, a milkshake for Mom, lemonade for me and fries for both of us.

I am thinking that I need to get some kind of rolling cart...dragging all these bags of groceries upstairs is killing me. I finally got everything unloaded and lunch on the table. Mom needed to eat because she was feeling lightheaded. Probably due to that thick milkshake she started drinking. She is kind of like a child with things like milkshakes. She drinks it down pretty fast. To get her upstairs I had to take the milkshake away so she would focus on walking into the apartment building, getting her mail and going to the elevator.

After lunch I carved the pumpkin that I bought her this morning. She seemed really happy with the design once I had it all carved up. We talked a little more about how Dad was before he died and how he never said anything to Mom about not feeling well. I can tell this really troubles Mom because she mentions it every time I see her. She is having a really hard time accepting his death.

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