Saturday, July 21, 2007

Saturday, July 21,2007

Dad has been gone almost a month. I miss him every day and wish that I could talk to him.

Mom is so lonely...alone....not willing to look at other living situations. I have a hard time with her constantly neediness. She won't do anything to make her situation better. I offer to bring music tapes..she doesn't want music. She doesn't read. All she does is eat, sleep and clean. I am taking two days off from seeing her. I will go up tomorrow after church and take her out for lunch.

I feel kind of numb and empty....tired both emotionally and physically.

We had a memorial service last Sunday at my church for Dad. My aunt Josephine came. She spoke about Dad and was really supportive. Several of my friends did Pamela's friends. It was a nice service. Pamela and I put together a DVD with music with pictures from Dad's life.

Mark showed up ...but kept himself separate from the rest of the people there. He is so wierd. I can barely speak to him right now. He continues to hassle Mom about how she is handling her affairs.

I just want some time to sort things out for myself.

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