Thursday, May 10, 2007

Thursday, May 10, 2007

The last two days have been long and hard days at work. I still have 9 boxes of everyday cards, 5 boxes of Mother's Day cards and the complete reset for Father's Day facing me!

Talked to Mom and Dad twice today. Dad says he is slowly beginning to feel a little better. Mark went over today and fixed their shower curtain rod. He also offered to get Dad some pain relieving medicine at the drug store. I will probably see them first, so I will take some over. The back and body pain reliever I took over isn't strong enough.

Mom seems a little better..she is able to talk on the phone now. She was able to shower and wash her hair this morning by herself.

I am planning on going over on Mother's Day and taking a nice lunch over to them.

I need to keep taking good care of they really are depending on me for many things now.

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